Monday, January 21, 2008

Humongous Hawk

I'm an idiot. I had the video camera in my hand, and I saw a hawk at the food I set out at the camera trap. So I set the video camera down on the table, run back to my office to get the video camera, then realize I already was holding it in the other room, so I run back to get the video camera. I turn it on, realize the tv is on, so I go to mute it, go back to video the hawk, at which point the hawk flies off. Sigh. Probably all I got on video was a bunch of frantic running around and me swearing as the hawk flew off. Oh well. Let's hope he got his photo taken by the camera trap, except the batteries probably were not fully charged but I just put it out a couple hours ago so I hope I got something. If so, that will be my first bird shot besides crows.

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