Sunday, February 25, 2007

First Fox Sighting of 2007!!!

Several inches of snow fell today, and I was fortunate to see this fox! I haven't seen any foxes in ages, and was beginning to wonder what happened to them. But they do exist! I think usually I see them at the end of January, so they are a bit late this year, maybe because January was so warm. The fox was checking out the suet I have hanging a few feet off the ground on a tree, but he kept going until he was out of sight. Then a few minutes later I saw a fox, probably the same one, in the neighbors' yard, and then it jumped over the fence into another neighbor's yard! I'd never seen a fox jump. We put out a piece of salmon hoping it will return. (By the way, words, after switching to the new blogger, I found all your comments from like a year ago I had never seen before. Sorry. Feel free to post more comments. I might actually see them this time.) :)

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Evasive Banana Eater

Somehow the ripe bananas managed to get their picture taken, but not whatever ate the bananas!
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Young squirrels scrounging for seeds

At one point there were at least 6 little squirrels out there. They put their tails on their backs to keep warm. I think they are only like a year old, because there are other squirrels that are larger that are downright fat. The place is still covered in a sheet of sleet so I haven't been able to refill my birdfeeder in the back of the house. The squirrels weren't interested in the old tortilla we threw out there.

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Squirrels eating seeds

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007



Unfortunately the camera took a bunch of pictures that were totally black, and then a couple of this squirrel. It is sleeting out, so I put out some suet and birdseed, and several woodpeckers were eating the suet, and cardinals and juncos were eating the birdseed. I put out some bananas in hopes of getting at least a raccoon! There were lots of footprints the other day on the pond which is frozen and covered in snow. I think it may just be too cold for the batteries in the camera, or else I need my dad to make me one, although he charges a pretty penny. Now I'm thinking the bananas are not in the view of the camera, so I have to go out and move them. Posted by Picasa