Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pop Quiz (The answer will be revealed later)

Baby Raccoons

The quality of these photos isn't that good since the raccoons were not that close to the camera, or it was raining, but the babies are pretty darn cute.

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Young Fox

This (or these) fox(es) look(s) like maybe it (they) is (are) from this year's litter. I saw one the other day that had an injured back leg that it wasn't using. Poor guy.

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Got Milk?

I saw 3 spotted fawns the other day. There were no pictures of them, but this must be the mother.
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Friday, July 11, 2008

Velvet Antlered Deer

I saw a young male with velvet antlers, but his back right leg seemed injured. I'm starting to think all the male deer have bad legs, that it's a genetic problem. Maybe he's the grandson of the knock kneed buck. I've been remiss about leaving my camera out. It's been sitting inside for a while but I need to get it back out there.