Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bat Video # 2

Here the bat is crawling out of his hiding space and he plops out and flies off. He usually does this around 8:45 pm each night when it gets dark.

Bat Video # 1

Here the bat is scratching himself, and eating what he finds off his nails. Yum.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Return of the Bat

The bat is back, a month early this year! He showed up a few days ago, and the window is quickly filling up with guano. He had something on his face a couple days, which looked to me like an eyeball that had popped out, but it must have just been a piece of guano that he finally got rid of. He regularly scratches himself, then preens his nails, and licks his wings. We got him on video, which I will post soon.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Baby Wrens

This baby wren is in a nest on our porch. The parent comes and feeds it--at least I hope it still does, because it complained when it saw me taking pictures. You can see its eye, beak, and fluff. It looks like there might be more than one. I heard them squacking the other day.
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This also was not in our yard, but at a local nature center.

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Baby Snapping Turtle

This wasn't technically in our backyard, but it was in the general vicinity at a local park. It was on a trail and almost got stepped on but we moved it to safety.

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